Our drop in classes build up your text study, and communal learning skills. They're drop in, which means the lesson plans are consistent, so you can drop in or out and any time.
Commit to a Drop In class all quarter with our Class Passes.
Want to dive deeply into a skill, topic, or practice? Our Intensives are long form classes with attendance expected at all classes. Using thoughtful, inclusive, and evolving pedagogy, these courses will help strength your skills and your confidence in your Jewish learning journey.
The Torah Studio community has a lot of Torah to share, and lots of ways to share it! Join us for our one off events. Sometimes we highlight the coolest teachers we know, sometimes we explore difficult topics, sometimes we create workshops to help you as a learner and teacher!
All of our past events are recorded, and available for folks to be learning from any time! You can purchase the download files (any recordings, slides, or hand outs) in our Async store.
Keep an eye out for more opportunities to learn with Torah Studio on your own time.