Intro to Text Study
An Intensive intro to the world of Jewish text study

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Course Details
What is Torah? No… literally what are all of these books people keep talking about? When did they happen? Why are they important? And when can I start reading them?!?!? Introduction To Text Study, a new Intensive course taught by Liana Wertman, is our attempt to help you answer these questions by immersing you in the world, history, and practice of Jewish text study. In this course, we’ll take a magnifying glass to Tanakh, swim through the waters of Talmud, chat with the most important minds of the last millenia, and meet the scholars of our generation. And we’ll explain what all of that even means! We’ll do all of this alongside weekly text study practice, creative interpretation activities, and ample opportunities for self exploration and expression. Liana Wertman is a master educator who knows that joy is a necessary part of your classroom experience, alongside true safety (non-hierarchical structures, clearly set class built boundaries, and accountability practices) to make sure this learning can actually be helpful and empowering. To do this best, we are offering this course as a Torah Studio Intensive: a cohort based course intended for you to attend all 7 weeks. Each session of our Intensive will build on one another, and will also culminate with the opportunity to develop a personal interpretive project.