Pssst! Help us experiment in what COMMUNITY LED really means!
Returning attendees are invited to sign up to lead one of these community text studies - and we'll help you prep!
What's Community Torah Study?
For the past couple of years, Torah Studio students have been getting together to study the weekly parsha. This is our community-led weekly Torah study. We’re keeping the Torah Studio spirit alive, but this isn’t your typical class. It’s more of a collaborative effort where we move through the weekly parsha as a group (no chevrutah time) and learn from each other. Open to anyone interested in learning and sharing Torah. We’ll focus on one section of the weekly parsha and take the journey together as a group. No Hebrew required. We hope you can join us! Every Wednesday at 5:30pm PT // Free of charge.
Who teaches it?
There's no teacher! This is a student-led space facilitated by a Torah Studio community member.
Okay, so how do we decide what to learn?
The facilitator preps a source sheet each week. Expect a spicy selection from the weekly Torah portion, plus a dealer's choice of one or two other sources that throw new lights on the main text. Here's an example.
And what do we actually do in class?
You'll read the texts together and talk about them! The facilitator might have some questions in mind, but mostly the folks in the room (meaning you!) will take the conversation wherever you want it to go. The vibe is informal but engaged.
Why would I want to talk about the Torah without a real teacher to tell me if I'm right?
We at the Torah Studio believe that the Torah belongs to you, right now, and you don't need anyone to stand between you and Torah for you to "get it." Community Torah Study is a space for you to practice your Torah voice among friends, without the pressure of someone evaluating you from the top down.
(And by the way, even in our teacher-led classes, we don't think that the teacher's the only one who gets to say what's right! Every Torah Studio offering is all about guiding you to find your own way through Torah.)