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Want to dive all the way in? Excited about one (or more) of our incredible classes?

Sign up for a whole quarter with a class pass! 



Want to try one class out? Excited about an upcoming event or shiur?

Then you're in the right place!

Scroll on for details and info!

Psalms with Lexi

Mondays at 5pm PT/8pm ET

The psalms sing -- of wild nature, the pursuit of justice, of our all too human lives. Why do the wicked prosper? What is our place in the world? Who is God to us? In the face of these unanswerable questions, the Psalms respond with songs of the heart. If you're looking to find meaning and community  in the hard times, this is your class.


Each week we'll learn one psalm in Hevruta/Learning Partners. We will use the framework of poetic images to understand the text, and we'll use Shefa Gold's "shining line" to develop personal connection. Every class will also include time for private reflection and group discussion. Each class is meant for all levels of learners and thrives when we each bring our own unique experiences and voice to the Zoom classroom.


We'll discover together if, over 2000 years later, Psalms can still make our hearts sing. Taught by Lexi Kohanski.

Art Midrash with Jay


Tuesdays at 5pm PT/8pm ET

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Looking to creatively connect to the weekly Torah portion? Join teacher Jay Smith to discover how art-making can deepen your relationship with the Torah. Each week there will be a new series of creative prompts to spark conversation and provide scaffolding to push you (warmly) out of your comfort zones. Join us to learn more about yourself, the text, and most importantly, the relationship between the two.


Just as Torah Studio welcomes learners at all levels, this class is for people with any or no experience with art-making. And just as everyone has their individual relationship with the divine, so too does each person have their own individual relationship to art-making. No special arts materials are required. We do not expect anyone to prepare anything outside of class.


Each class will include Hevruta paired text study, prompted individual art-making, gallery viewing, and group discussion.


Torah Study with Aki


Wednesdays at 5:30pm PT/8:30pm ET

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Torah Study is our foundational course led by Aki Yonekawa. Take this opportunity to learn, refresh, and deepen the skills of Torah study that will guide you in this class and beyond. Do it one parsha/Torah portion at a time.


Each class is meant for all levels of learners and thrives when we each bring our own unique experiences and voice to the zoom classroom. In partnered learning, you and one or two partners will dive into a piece of text, think about it, ask questions about it, and learn from one another. After hevruta/paired learning, we’ll come back together as a collective and have a  lively, generative group discussion where we’ll find even more ways to connect with one another and the text. 


Give yourself the gift of learning not only with an incredible community, but also in the ancient learning cycle of our people. This kind of learning only gets better with practice, and we’ve created this space exactly for this purpose. 

Shabbat: Rituals of Rest
with Rabbi Bluth


Thursdays at 9am PT/12noon ET

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Torah Study is our foundational course led by Aki Yonekawa. Take this opportunity to learn, refresh, and deepen the skills of Torah study that will guide you in this class and beyond. Do it one parsha/Torah portion at a time.


Each class is meant for all levels of learners and thrives when we each bring our own unique experiences and voice to the zoom classroom. In partnered learning, you and one or two partners will dive into a piece of text, think about it, ask questions about it, and learn from one another. After hevruta/paired learning, we’ll come back together as a collective and have a  lively, generative group discussion where we’ll find even more ways to connect with one another and the text. 


Give yourself the gift of learning not only with an incredible community, but also in the ancient learning cycle of our people. This kind of learning only gets better with practice, and we’ve created this space exactly for this purpose. 



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