Thu, Nov 03
Morning Torah Study • Lech Lecha
A second weekly Parsha class!?! Same format, different teacher, new time! Start the new Torah cycle with Rebecca Chess over your morning cup of coffee (or lunch or dessert depending on where you are in the world).
Where & when
Nov 03, 2022, 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM PDT
class details
Torah Studio is excited to launch our second weekly parasha class! Same format, different teacher, different time! Start the new Torah cycle with Rebecca Chess over your morning cup of coffee (or lunch or dessert depending on where you are in the world). We will be starting the yearly Torah cycle again. This quarter we will cover all the stories you know and love, from the flood until Joseph’s gorgeous coat. A long the way asking ourselves the big questions about creation and life, relationships to others and God and what insights might the lives of our patriarchs and matriarchs teach us? AND SO MUCH MORE!
Rebecca Chess (they/them) is a proud Torah Studio educator who loves to match, whether that means a monochrome outfit or a cup of rich and deep coffee to match Torah study. When they aren’t making pasta for their friends you might catch them on a sunny afternoon eating sour gummy worms in a park.
Live Captioning will be offered.
Verbal participation is required during Hevruta and any form of participation is encouraged in discussion.
Video is optional the whole time.
The Torah Studio believes that all persons are entitled to equal access opportunities. We do not discriminate based gender, disability, race, or religion. If you have an accessibility or accommodation request (including financial) please reach out to Liana Wertman at thetorahstudio@gmail.com.
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Pay What You Can • $5
$5.00+$0.13 service feeSale endedPay What You Can • $10
$10.00+$0.25 service feeSale endedPay What You Can • $15
$15.00+$0.38 service feeSale endedPay What You Can • $25
$25.00+$0.63 service feeSale ended